In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month (May). I wanted to give women a pass on being Wonder Woman! That position is already taken by a comic book character that is FICTIONAL for a reason. lol!
In other words, we need to learn how to delegate and share some of our daily duties in this life and DESTRESS! Stress is one of the most common denominators in people with cancers and chronic illness and one of the least measured or discussed at your MD office. When was the last time your healthcare provider asked you how YOU are in your life right now? How do you eat, what do you do to be happy, are you in a good fulfilling relationships with your mate, family and friends?
I'm here to tell CANNOT nor DO YOU HAVE it all! Sometimes we are our own worst enemy and want to control everything. We tell ourselves if it is not done our is not right! LOL That is a lie...your way is not the only right way. Just make sure certain things are done correctly so we don't get SICK. We need to find the medium between the OCD control freak in us who needs to see the lines in the carpet, versus the mini hoarder in us who can’t get the clothes off our chair.
Problem is:
-A lot of us are either dealing with the declining health of our parents/family members or the raging hormones of our children and ourselves. LOL
-We need a BREAK!
-We forget to plug into...sow into ourselves on a regular basis, so that we can be our full and REAL selves for those in our lives. (We recharge our phones regularly but not ourselves regularly. Crazy)
Goal is:
-Let’s lighten our loads and plug into and invest in what we enjoy in this life and what we want for ourselves. It is in this way that we will communicate most effectively and truthfully to those around us.
-Let’s remember to honor the awesome ancestors of our past, while enjoying the present (since it really is a gift) and get back to enriching our next generation (because believe me they are watching).
I have more to say of course, but I'm getting long winded so I gotta go. We will “talk” again soon. I wish you all only love, peace and blessings...thanks for listening...
Penny the PA
(Come back soon, for Penny’s solutions/suggestions to help us get over, trying to be Wonder Woman!)
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